Rock Bottom, The Definition of Success?

Shtar Success

How I dealt with facing the Successful Rock Bottom.

As an entrepreneur and innovator, who love to start new things, new projects, new departments, new and untested markets, and avenues at times for the sake of expansion and growth.

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Product Validation: Break Out of the Box

Shtar Outside The Box

Creative people sometimes have the fear “what if it isn’t good enough? what if I’ll be laughed at?”

Some people rationalize hiding their creativity from the world with the claim, “maybe someone will steal my idea! It’s not ready yet!”

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Dream, Inspire Inventions and Innovations

Shtar b2b

We all have dreams. All the great inventions and innovations that actually brought us to exactly where we are today, all started as someone’s dream.

These dreamers and their actions to achieve their dream still is the real inspiration.

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